Thursday, September 17, 2009


As I was researching on the Homework topic, RFID tags, I found it very interesting that the information can be tracked. Wikipedia says that today the RFID is used to effeciency of inventory tracking and management. I feel as if this is alright, but it should not be placed on clothing items and soda cans. This is an invasion of privacy.

The attatched article states that RFID tags are being upgraded in order to become more intelligent. So sooner than later we will be hearing about more advanced RFID tags. The article also states that with the advancement of RFID tags, "enabling them to encrypt and decrypt data could make chips in passports or credit cards more secure".

At first I was a little scared of this technology because of the rising threat of identity theft, but because of the computational radio-frequency identifications tags, otherwise known as CRFID tags, it is becoming harder to hack into. This relates directly to the readings in chapter 3.

Below is a Youtube clip describing all aspects of the RFID tags.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

ATM: The Fading Trend


I personally disagree with this because I use my ATM almost on a daily basis. Many of you might not feel the same way but I find it easier then just carrying money all the time. I can think of many situations where it would pay off to have an ATM card instead of carrying money. One of those situations include being approached by a mugger.

The total number of ATM machines in the United States today are 395,000. Between 2005 and 2006 the total number of ATM dropped by only 1,000. Compared to 395,000 machines , that does not seem like an immense decline to me.

The average cost of an ATM machine are between $9,000 and $50,000 per machine with an annual $12,000 to $15,000 in maintenance expenses. So no, these ATM machines arent cheap but they do come in handy for us. With all of the expenses for an ATM machine, Bill Virgin says ' a lack of demand is developing'.

This article directly relates to the first chapter's discussion of 'Transaction Processing Systems' because an ATM is one.